Thursday, October 27, 2005

keeping up to data

Ok just to keep my self up to date on what im doing.

Iv sent out 11 emails to people (note: check sketch book for email addresses) with questions for my primary research.

I have also got a lode of books out and im working my way though them.

Iv found a lode of papers online and iv printed hard copys of them and im also going to get my computer to read them to me.

Iv had an idea about polostirine heads and iv been out and got two masks to test out what video playing behind there eyes using my mobile phone would look like and its cool.

Note to self. Why? you need to work on the why. You no I no you do cuz you have read all this stuff you just need to come up with a why.

Im going to keep reading and work on the presentation for Jen on Wednesday.

We should have the reading week before the presentations that would have made more sence but ho hum cant have life the way we want all the time can we.

Keeping working on my disitation as well iv done 1500 so good on me and pat on the back keep going girl you can do it.



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