Thursday, February 09, 2006

Boards for Review

Review is on 22nd-23rd Feb

Required for review;

Present project
Produce 2-3 presentation boards to support project
Bring sketchbook and Blog URL

Boards should be;

A2 or A1 printed as well as provided as PDF

Contence of boards;

What board
+ a title
+ a one line description of the project
+ a summary of what the project is
+ imagery to support the look and feel / intention of the project
+ screen shots of the work (if appropriate)

Why board
+ What research have you done into this work?
+ What is the context that you are working in?
+ Who else is working in this field?
+ Might include; books, journals, art works, examples, websites, photo's you've
taken, things you've done. All documented.

How board
+ How will it work?
+ What technology are you planning to use?
+ How does it fit together?
+ What processes are you using?
+ If its an installation how will it look / show a floor plan.
+ If it is a narrative show your storyboards

*** Use these boards to help you to talk though your project. ***


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