Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just to catch up

Iv been away from my blog for a few days well its a bit more than a few really but Iv been thinking and been drawing/doodeling and thinking in my note book.

Iv come up with my idea I like it and so does Jen. Iv started planning it and getting bits for it.

Im in persuite of a Matel JuiceBox which is a MP3 and Media playing device with a screen. Im going to turn it into a picture frame that has a moving image.

Iv completade and handed in my Dissertaion thanks the gods. That was getting to be a pain at the end to much faffing about with fanicaty details and worrying if it was all ok. But its over and done with know so im moving onto the fun bits.

Im going to add another entry in about what my project is going to be eather tomorrow or Wednessday.

Im in Northampton at the Mo been home to see mum and dad and celebrate my Birthday with them. Its a week early but I want to be in Huddersfield for my actual Birthday on the 29th. I can't belive im going to be 24 its madness.

My project has realy sparked my imagination again and its back as I have said in previouse entrys back to my fav subject of the darker side of humanity.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Derren Brown

Iv been interested in Derren Brown ever since I first saw his show in the first year of Uni. Iv been to one of his live performances and after watching his latest show on TV tonight entitled 'The Heist" I desided to visit his website to check out any new updates. To my delite he has a new flash site

And this flash site is in the exact style I want to use for my project. Dark, scarry and with the hint of paranoia. The broken mirror and the way the images are show is just perfect. That grainy feel. I want to creat for real.

I want my room I creat to have that uncomfortable feeling to it. I will use audio affects as they have on this site to make this happen. Possibly a tv playing some video or something on a computer screen. Im going to also look into subliminal techinces simular to Derrens.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Just want to say Happy New year.